Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? And Other Fairly Horrible Tales.

Why do bad things happen to good peopleIt’s been a looong rainy weekend here. We’re in Southern California, so rain is rather a novelty. Everything was grey and cold. And now that the sun is out again and we’re back to 80 degrees, it really paints the contrast and shows how much of an impact the sun really has on your mood after a long rain period.

You know those days when you think your life is just crashing down on you? Those rainy days. When you got up thinking: Hey, this will be a great day… and then the rain starts pouring. Last Monday was one of them. Continue reading

“What’s It Like To Be A Heartbreaker?” He Asked

Heart Breaker, Valentine's Day, Singles Appreciation DayWell, well, well, what have we here? Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! So… in honor of this joyous day, I want all the single ladies to raise their hands up…! That’s right. Stand proud and tall if you’re single. I don’t know about you guys, but I’ll be celebrating Single Appreciation Day on February 14.

There’s a reason for that. Would I HAVE to be single? No. Absolutely not. I CHOOSE to be single. I decided to set my standards high and not ever again get into a relationship just for the sake of not being alone. My mom tells me my standards are too high. Some of my friends tell me my standards are too high. The guys that want to date me tell me my standards are too high. I say: My standards can be as high as I want them to be, because I am worth all of them. Continue reading

New House, New Me – Reflections Of My First 2 Weeks On My Own

Here to ThereWhen I drove away from my old place in Long Beach, I was crying. I loved that house. I loved being right by the beach, right by the shopping street. I loved being able to walk everywhere – to the store, to restaurants, to fun activities, to the beach. I remember movies by the beach, running by the ocean in the morning, seeing Catalina Island from my kitchen window while washing dishes, picking up a Starbucks before work, and walking to the playground with Christopher. Lots of memories with Christopher were made here. Holidays were fun in this neighborhood, everyone got so into Halloween and Christmas with decorating and I just love it! When we had originally found this house, I knew I’d want to stay forever. I absolutely loved the house, the neighborhood, and the person I moved there with. Driving away from it all was a bittersweet moment.

Not just the driving away was sad, though. The driving to was just as scary. I found a place in Yorba Linda in an apartment community. Going back from house to apartment wasn’t that big of a deal. I am still in a wonderful neighborhood and have quite the spacious apartment. And I really don’t mind apartment living and having pool and gym right here for free. Continue reading

Most Wonderful Night At The Harvest Crusade #SoCalHarvest

Anne at Harvest Crusade SoCal

This is what excited Anne looks like! Last weekend, for the 24th time in a row, it was time again for the Harvest Crusade, as part of Harvest America, at the Angels Stadium in Anaheim. And Sunday was MY day, because my favorite band, Third Day, was playing. I was beyond excited since I had never seen them live in concert.

Apart from Third Day and Phil Wickham, Phil from Duck Dynasty was also there and did an interview with Pastor Greg Laurie on stage. The stadium was full of Duck Dynasty fans… which was a little bit crazy, I admit. The night started with a packed house. We arrived 5 minutes after the gates opened, and the stadium was already full.

Harvest Crusade at Angels Stadium

Continue reading

It All Came Crashing Down

too muchMy posts have been spotty lately. That’s because I’ve been going through another wave of pain, trying to work out all the different feelings that came crashing down all at once. Normally, I would have written them down here and shared with you… because a big reason for me to write this blog is to hopefully touch someone’s heart by letting them know “Hey, someone else has these problems, too. You are not alone.” But this time around, everything was so overwhelming that I just wanted to run away from it and not deal with it at all. I still don’t quite know how to put this feelings-meltingpot into words because during the last 2 weeks, I’ve been going through a roller coaster. Continue reading

When A Picture Speaks More Than A Thousand Words

should I get divorced?So it was my birthday. On paper, I get to spend this day with my son. I don’t have to share it or give it up, no matter what. Just that my birthday happens to also be son’s cousin’s birthday; and it was her first birthday this year. First birthdays are always special and they’re celebrated big. So was this one. The entire family was there, all the kids were there, and there was of course no way that I was going to keep Christopher away from that. So I had to be there, too… Continue reading

The Grass Is Always Greener Where You Water It

after divorceThis is not a whining post. It is a post written for women who think about getting a divorce. And really, it’s to stop them from doing so.

Granted, there are legitimate reasons to get divorced. If your husband is abusing you and you truly live in hell, by all means: Get out! And  take your kids! But if you’re thinking of getting out because “your feelings have changed” or “It’s just not working anymore” or something like that, then I want to implore you: Pull yourself together and remember the vows you have once made. I’m sure you weren’t kidding when you spoke them. Continue reading

How To Teach Your Child To Be Charitable (Part 2)

Goodwill DonatingIn part one of this series, I talked about how I am teaching Christopher to practically help others less fortunate by donating to Goodwill. Today, we had our second installment of this process. Instead of purchasing something from Goodwill, we actually donated the clothing we had sifted through a while back.

Today wasn’t so painful for Christopher because he didn’t have to try on clothes for two hours, he “just” had to take them to the donation center. On our way to Goodwill, I asked Christopher if he remembered why we’re donating to Goodwill. Given that it’s been over a month since we had last been there to purchase something to support Goodwill’s cause, it’s understandable that he couldn’t remember. Continue reading

Not A Princess (Part 3)

Not A Princess 3Read Part 1.

Read Part 2.

Not A Princess (3)

I sit at the beach behind my favorite building with the green copper roof that looks like a castle
with a dead dream of being a princess.
Because princesses aren’t happy either and die in the end. Continue reading