
E10My name is Anne, I currently live in Long Beach Yorba Linda and work in Fullerton in sunny Southern California. I was born and raised in Germany and moved to California in 2004, leaving my home, my entire family and all my friends behind. Since then, I have lived in 4 5 different homes all over the state. I have a 7-year-old 8-year-old son who lives with his former military dad in San Diego during the week. I have been divorced for 2 3 years.

My motto here is turning lemons into lemonade. And that truly is what you have to do most of your life. My life has seen plenty of lemons even though I am a college-educated, professional, smart and savvy woman. So what do I do? I make lemonade. Sometimes, I force myself, but mostly, I choose to. I don’t live in my home country anymore, so I connected with my roots here. I am part of the Phoenix Club in Anaheim, I teach German to little kids and raise my son bilingually.

I believe in Jesus, going to college, and socializing with the “right crowd.” And my weekends are fully dedicated to my son. I’d like to challenge everyone to think outside of the box when it comes to their view of what it means to be a good mom. Many moms have “lost” their children and that fact alone is painful enough. We’re still good moms.

Big Bear-20130303-02014Being a weekend mom does not make me a bad mother. Life has just given me a lot of lemons at once. This blog is my way to feel more like a mom and to deal with the situation I am in. It’s my diary to myself, my son, and everyone who cares to know. It’s my way to connect with the mom community out there – because that’s who I am.

It is also a way to tell those out there that are in my shoes that they are not alone. And that it is ok to not be perfect. I am standing up for all weekend moms to let them know that we do not need to be ashamed of our situation. I am the best mom I can be and my son loves me like crazy. Being a weekend mom makes me cherish every minute I have with my son. If anything, it has made me a better mom because I truly value the time I have with him. I am a weekend mom and my time with my son is restricted to 2 days a week at most. It is very unfortunate and often heartbreaking and I wish it wouldn’t have to be this way.

But when life gives you lemons, you can choose to make lemonade or be sour. I chose lemonade. This blog is about all the lemonade in my life and out there for everyone else to have.

Here is to all moms – whether weekend moms or not. Let’s all stay true to our calling and be the best moms we can be. Lots of hugs for those who need them and lots of kisses to my little boy! Let’s make lemonade!


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