My June Fitness Challenge Recap

Third Challenge:
The June Really-Ready-For-That-Beach-Body Workout

The Challenge

Anyone care about how my fitness month went? Well… it went. I just didn’t. I ended up doing a lot of strength exercises, but I really should not have cut out all the walking and stair climbing. I see it coming… I have to sign up for the gym again. If I don’t pay, I don’t do it. I haven’t lost a pound (boo!!!), but I do feel more fit. That’s at least something. We’re doing this for health, not to lose that last pound, right? 😉 Continue reading

My Workout-Every-Day Challenge

The Challenge

Well, in case anyone still cares to review this, here is what my challenge in April looked like. It was a workout challenge like no other. I decided to go cold-turkey back into working out – meaning from no workout at all to working out every day for 45 minutes. Needless to say that didn’t happen. But at least it kind of happened. So below is my recap. Then I skipped May; there was no challenge in May. I had to recover from this one. But in an attempt to still get that beach body because this April challenge didn’t cut it, I am adding another workout challenge this month. A little less stressful, though. So visit my Challenge tab to keep up with me and maybe join in! Continue reading

Running Thoughts

My alarm went off this morning, way too early of course, as always. And my first thought was: “Oh no, I have to go running.” So then I spend another 10 minutes in bed reading through my email and my Facebook messages. And then I spent another 5 minutes trying to come up with an excuse of why I couldn’t go work out.

Excuses, Excuses… Where Are You?
When I couldn’t find an excuse, I made myself get up and trotted to the bathroom, still looking for an excuse why I should get in the shower immediately instead of putting on my workout clothes. Was it way too windy to go outside? Absolutely not. Was I sore? Not really. Was I hurt? No. Was I sick? Let me check… no, not sick either. Was my hair too nasty to take out into public? No, the one morning I wake up and my hair actually looks fine. No excuses, not even bad hair day. Continue reading

A New Challenge: The Beach Workout

The Challenge

Isn’t it almost sad that working out has to be a challenge? Making cupcakes sounds much easier 😉 But… I am doing it. Actually, I am not doing it to loose weight (even though I wouldn’t mind finally dropping those holiday pounds I put on months ago). I just really feel out of shape. So, ladies, I am getting back in shape and that is just that! Who’s with me? Continue reading