How To Teach Your Child To Be Charitable (Part 2)

Goodwill DonatingIn part one of this series, I talked about how I am teaching Christopher to practically help others less fortunate by donating to Goodwill. Today, we had our second installment of this process. Instead of purchasing something from Goodwill, we actually donated the clothing we had sifted through a while back.

Today wasn’t so painful for Christopher because he didn’t have to try on clothes for two hours, he “just” had to take them to the donation center. On our way to Goodwill, I asked Christopher if he remembered why we’re donating to Goodwill. Given that it’s been over a month since we had last been there to purchase something to support Goodwill’s cause, it’s understandable that he couldn’t remember. Continue reading

How To Teach Your Child To Be Charitable (Part 1)

Learning About CharityChristopher has a really good sense of compassion. He always wants to help those he thinks need help, but so far, dad and dad’s side of the family have taught him that this help comes in the form of simply giving money. This seems to resonate with Christopher since he is quite money-focused (I quietly think he’ll be some sort of entrepreneur and make us all rich). He frequently opens his piggy bank to count how much he’s saved already, what he could buy with it, and actually, how much he could give to the poor with it. He even wanted to give his college savings to a poor child in Africa. (That’s when the necessity of teaching how to save became very apparent) He is currently completely wrapped up in making sense of money; so using money as charity makes sense to him. So I decided that it’s time to learn there’s other, and simpler, ways of helping those who need help. Continue reading