A New Challenge: The Beach Workout

The Challenge

Isn’t it almost sad that working out has to be a challenge? Making cupcakes sounds much easier 😉 But… I am doing it. Actually, I am not doing it to loose weight (even though I wouldn’t mind finally dropping those holiday pounds I put on months ago). I just really feel out of shape. So, ladies, I am getting back in shape and that is just that! Who’s with me?

45 Minutes A Day
So for the month of April, I will be working out for 45 minutes every day. I don’t want to spend money on joining a gym, and I don’t want to spend all the time getting there and back… don’t have that much extra time. But who needs a gym when the beach with a running path is my backyard! And not only do I have a beach, I have the bluffs (thank you, Long Beach!). And the bluffs have nice, steep, long staircases. What do you suppose I do with them!Long Beach beach

So today was my first day and I am off to a good start:

  • 20 minutes power walk to the stairs
  • 5 sets of up and down the stairs (about 10 minutes)
  • 5 minutes running back
  • 10 minutes walking back the rest of the way, because my head was about to explode from the 5 minutes of running

Am I proud of myself? Oh yes! That was good. Not only do I know it was good, but I actually felt good. Working out feels great, but working out by the beach, which I’ve never done before, just feels awesome. No better place to work out. Well, really no better place to do anything!

Will I be sore tomorrow? I have no doubt. I took it easy for the first day, but even taking it easy on the first day after a really long workout hibernation is going to result in soreness. In my book, anyway. Will I be going back tomorrow? You bet! I’ll keep you posted.

It’s All On The Challenge Tag
This challenge report will, as always, keep being updated under my Challenge tab so I don’t spam you with daily posts about me working out (boring!). Check back there to see how I am doing.

Who wants to join me?
Leave your comments every day to join me in my challenge. Can you challenge yourself to work out some every day for a month?

5 thoughts on “A New Challenge: The Beach Workout

  1. Do you find it helps you to stay motivated to do a variety of exercises like that. or is it so you can focus on different muscle groups? Just curious! Anyway, thanks for motivating us to get back in shape! I eat the right foods most of the time, but sometimes that isn’t enough!

    • Nope. I’ve been eating good since the beginning of the year and nothing. Of course not eating doesn’t help with staying in shape at all. The most it does is keep you skinny!

      The different exercises don’t help me stay motivated. I have to walk or run simply to get to those stairs… and then I somehow have to get back home. That’s really the whole reason! lol But I suppose you’re right. It’s good I switch it up 🙂

  2. I am so outta shape, I go down those stairs once & feel like I need a pacemaker. People always tell me ‘But you’re thin!’ but, like you said, you can still be out of shape :/ I need more walks with the pup for brownies…thats the answer 😉

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